Help your plumber help you by getting to know your hot water service. This familiarity will enable you to deal with any problems that occur and also help you spot them before they get out of hand. A professional may need access to some basic facts in the event of a plumbing emergency, so it’s good to have these on hand for when they arrive.

Size and shape are a good place to start

Your hot water service’s capacity is one of the easiest things for you to identify. Hot water systems work by either storing water in a tank, where it is heater, or flushing it through a pipe which passes near a heat source.

Hot water systems which look like a square panel are non-tank systems, whilst systems with tanks are easy to identify.

Hybrid water heaters

These are usually a small circular device fitted with a panel. They store small amounts of water but are capable of heating it faster than some other designs.

Gas or electric?

Knowing the fuel source is very important. This is usually located on the name plate situated on the tank or panel. This often provides information such as capacity in litres, energy efficiency rating, fuel source, and recovery rate. The recovery rate is the length of time it takes for the water to be heated in the tank. Being aware of the proper recovery rate for your system will help you spot any problems you may encounter.

If your system is electric, make a note of the voltage measurement and wattage capacity. This will prove handy to any visiting technician. If your system is gas, make a note of where the pilot light is located. This information should be available on the system’s name plate.




Other types of hot water system

Most homes and businesses are equipped with either gas or electric hot water systems, but there are a few other varieties which can be considered:

  • Solar hot water systems – These use energy from solar panels located around your premises to heat water.
  • Heat pump systems – These circulate water in a way which generates energy used to heat that water.
  • Indirect heating systems – These use the building’s heating systems to heat the water, and do not use a separate heat source.

Keeping these things in mind will help you help your plumber in the case of a problem arising. Remember, never hesitate to call us if you notice any problems with your hot water system, as a small issue can become a big problem quicker than you might expect.