A few water conservation tips from the plumbing experts

Many of us take water for granted without realising the enormous effort which has gone into developing modern plumbing, sanitation, and catchment practices. Events such as Earth Day give us a chance to reflect on how we use water, and how vital it is to conserve this precious resource.

Australia in particular is prone to drought and water shortages, and many parts of the country are doing it tough as a result. There are a few things we can all do to conserve water, save money, and prepare for an uncertain future regarding climate change and more extreme weather events.

Here are a few things that every home and business owner should consider installing or practicing in order to minimise water wastage:

Install water efficient fixtures

Many older fixtures were not designed with water efficiency in mind, and as a result they can waste a significant amount of water. Many new tap designs include a ‘low-flow’ mechanism which minimises wastage and improves the control over flow delivered by the taps. Newer toilets and shower heads are also much more water efficient. New fixtures will save you a considerable amount of money through reduced water costs.

Replace old appliances

Older washing machines and dishwashers use a far greater amount of water than newer designs without offering any increased performance or reliability. You may be tempted to use an appliance until the end of its effective life, but you are paying a significantly larger water bill by doing this as well as placing a larger strain on the water cycle.

Don’t rinse plates in the sink

Modern dishwashing machines use considerably less water to clean dishes than handwashing. If you have a dishwasher, never con yourself into believing you are saving water by opting to wash dishes by hand instead. You do not need to rinse dishes before placing them in the dishwasher, as they are programmed to rinse and wash anyway. Instead, scrape any food scraps into the bin and then place the items in the dishwasher.

Fix leaky taps and fixtures

If you notice a leaky tap, toilet, or shower head, you should try and fix it as soon as possible. Leaky fixtures waste an enormous amount of water, which is bad for your water bill and the environment. You can often fix these problems yourself by tightening the fittings or applying a sealant. If your premises is particularly prone to leaks, you may have a problem with high water pressure. If this is the case, you should contact us so we can confirm and repair the problem, as there is a risk of burst pipes and fixtures where high water pressure is present.

Home water recycling

There are a variety of low-tech water recycling techniques which you can practice in your home. If you have a garden, you can often redirect the grey-water pipe from your laundry to irrigate your plants. You can also place a bucket in the shower which will catch water to be used for watering the plants. There are also professional systems which you can install to redirect surface (clean) water from your home to areas such as gardens, lawns, or water features.

Get the family on board

Getting the kids involved can be a fun way to save water and teach them about the importance of water management. Encourage shorter showers, not running the tap whilst brushing teeth, and not playing with hoses. Simple practices such as these will save significant amounts on your water will and help protect the environment.

Keeping these things in mind will help you reduce your overall water consumption and preserve the future wellbeing of Australia’s people and unique environment.