Although major blockages will always require professional assistance, you can probably remove a minor clog yourself with the right advice and a few tools.

The trusty plunger

It’s a great idea to make sure that you’ve got a plunger stored somewhere in your home or business. Once you’ve noticed that the toilet is clogged, make sure that there is not an excessive amount of water in the bowl and start plunging. The blockage might be dislodged right away, but it can take quite a few minutes of plunging to build up the required pressure in some cases.

Plumbing snakes

These are lengths of steel cable fitted with a head which has rotating blades. You can buy manual plumbing snakes from most hardware stores. They are quite cheap and easy to use, with a handle which is turned to rotate the head. You could also use an electric plumbing snake, but you will probably need to rent one from a hardware dealer.

When using a plumbing snake, feed the cable into the toilet drain slowly, rotating it as you go. When you feel resistance, you have probably reached the blockage. Turn the handle to rotate the head, and slowly move the snake back and forth to break up the material.

Call your plumber!

If you believe the problem might be more serious, or you have tried the above methods without success, it is time to call a professional for assistance. The blockage could be caused by a sewer backup, damaged pipe or joint, or built up debris. We can use our equipment, such as cameras and water jetters, to clear the blockage and repair any damage. The work of a qualified plumber is always guaranteed by the Australian plumbing standards, so you can rest assured that any work we do can be trusted to leave you better off than you were before.

If you’ve got a blocked toilet, call us so we can end the hassle for you.