Many home and business owners find it difficult to decide when to call a professional. It can be tempting to try and fix the problem yourself, but some problems require professional equipment and skills. We’ll give you a few cases in which you should definitely call a plumber immediately, as failing to do so can lead to the emergence of serious problems.

Damaged septic system or sewer line

These are a major plumbing issue which often causes an immense mess and health hazard. If you notice any problems with your sewer line, toilet, or septic system, you should call your plumber immediately in order to prevent any further damage and have a repair carried out quickly and cleanly.

Water heater issues

If your hot water service is leaking or broken, you should call a professional plumber immediately. These systems contain unique components which may need to be replaced, and only plumbers have easy access to these components.

Low water pressure

Low water pressure can occur as the result of many things. Incoming pressure from the municipal water supply may be low due to the location of your property, or blockages in pipes. Water pressure can be fixed with professional tools and experience, not DIY intuition. To prevent any unnecessary damage to your plumbing system, call a professional if you are having problems with water pressure.

Leaking pipes

Leaking pipes are a serious issue which require an immediate professional response. They can be a symptom of more serious problems, and waste a large amount of water and damage the surfaces of your home or business. A leaking pipe could be a sign of an imminent burst, something which you definitely don’t want to experience. Call a professional as soon as you notice any leaks or flooding coming from your pipes.

Installing new appliances and fixtures

This is always best left to a professional, as we can make sure it is done properly and prevent any leaks from developing. New installations must also be tuned in to your plumbing system so that they do not cause extra stress or water consumption. More complex items, such as sump pumps, pressure regulators, shutoff and backflow valves, water heaters, dishwashers, and washing machines will definitely require professional assistance as a small oversight during installation can be very expensive in the long run.

Blocked or clogged drains

These are among the most common and frustrating plumbing issues facing home and business owners. Small clogs can be fixed yourself, but larger blockages place an enormous amount of stress on your system and will need to be attended to by a professional. Our professional equipment and experience will enable us to not only clear the blocked drain, but also inform you as to what caused it and give you advice so that you can prevent it from happening again.

If you are unsure

If you find yourself faced with uncertainty about what to do, it is always a good idea to call a professional for help or advice. We take every question seriously, and no job is too big or too small. As plumbers, we are here for a reason, and that is to serve you in any way we can to make sure your plumbing system is functioning the way that it should.